Stray - PS5

review by Kirsten Myburgh

I like cats. When i first heard and saw stray I thought, interesting idea. It sure turned out that way. After completing the game, I still think, interesting. It was good. It was short. About 6 hours or so and while I did not 100% it, I don’t see myself returning for more. I did like the game, don’t get me wrong, but there just is not enough to hold me for a second play through. The cat animations and some of the locations were really well done. The developers captured the essence of a cat for sure. My favorite location and color palette was that of the “Blade Runner” type city later on in the game.

As far as difficulty goes, this one is super easy and very little times do the puzzles get challenging, if at all. Like I said, a quick play through and very cute. Even the robots you talk to and the stories they tell can be enjoyed. Worth a look if you want an easier, shorter, cuter style game.

Review Score = STARS